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Hey, i love how this VN looks, if it continues I would love a hide button for Android to admire the drawing, keep up the good work ;)

so like when can i admire his body closer if you know what i mean ~~

(1 edit) (+6)

Enjoying it so far, but the writing needs work. The language feels padded and flowery. Sometimes the wrong words are used as well. The art and sound are great, nice transitions, and the story-line is interesting. But I often have to reread a sentence because of syntax errors or incorrect wording.


This is the type 'f constructive criticism that someone needs. People usually just write bad things without giving reasons why.

(1 edit) (+1)

I like the kindness and how carefully Skjold was before trusting Brynn. Using his easygoing nature to make MC feel at ease was smart. Would be nice if Skjold can use magic, even if little; since we have a ninja/thief hybrid which is cool.

Would love to see more heartwarming & lore conversation between him and Brynn.


What kind of Isekai are these guys watching to think this is a "generic" one?

It's a bit like the ye olde ones I suppose (beast folk included) but not like the modern cheap power fantasy ones (so far) ... but maybe we had something to do with that crater?

(2 edits) (+26)

All of these people being transported into furry worlds and meeting bulky hot furry men when is it my turn bro


Forever now my own headcannon that those entering a black hole hear the PS2 sound before death


i like what i've seen so far, yeah it's a little bit of a generic isekai in the sense of them getting transported to a mysterious new world and magically being able to speak the native language, but i like that you get to choose which side of the worlds political/moral battle you want to take. at the same time i also feel as though the "voice" was a super generic addition and so far it hasn't added much to the game. you could take the voice out and everything would flow just fine it honestly breaks the immersion for me with how seemingly random the voices interruptions are. but the characters are really good, frasier is super hot but kinda full of himself and skjold is super adorable, i just want to squish his chubby cheeks, he would make the perfect cuddle buddy.

(6 edits) (+1)

I understand that you wanted to converge the routes together, but Brynn's introduction on Frasier's route is almost comedic solely because his guards had practically given the MC a concussion just moments ago. So the friendly introduction contrasting with the possible brain damage got a laugh out of me.

Either way, looks interesting so far! I love "human isekais" or whatever you'd call this genre, so hopefully this VN doesn't suffer from the dreaded 6-12 month update schedules that tends to happen. I'll be keeping an eye on it for sure.

As for the voice in the MC's head, it kind of seems like the voice thinks the MC's plight is just a game? So that would be a very literal interpretation of an isekai trope, which loves to use gamey stuff. Something like the voice trying to use the MC as a game character like in an RPG or visual novel.

For the MC, I understand these types of VNs are obviously catering to a certain type of bottom, but hopefully you can write him to not be entirely helpless (not saying he is now), as he's supposed to be an engineering? student or something, AKA relatively smart, and is from a highly advanced civilization.


I really like that both Frasier and Skjold are so in opposition morally, one sees the others as a ruthless colonizer who stole their lands and acts as if they're pathetic people and the other sees unjustified hatred when his ancestors were in need of a new place to live in and did their best to protect themselves and the locals, great implimentation of manicheism into the plot.

I really hope tho that the MC will finally try to explain his situation and ask about the world he appeared in by the next build, cause if he's stuck in that area of not knowing anything, that's gonna make him an easy target, so I'm fully ready for the plot to unfold and the world to be build, especially if we can avoid the notion of romance into the mix yet, cause that would kinda ruin the narrative when its barely the start of the journey for our protagonist.

AND I hope we will get an MC that's not just knowledgeable but also smart and cunning, he's in another world where he can get killed just for being alien looking to a planet full of anthropomorphic sentient folks (and even hears a dude talking to him in his head and belittling him, SO might add that he would look insane to everyone), so it would be nice to see him having to survive by using his brain and being independant when he'll get all the informations he need to make decisions and not always depend on the charismatic and sexy love interest to do that for him and, going as far, as patronizing him when the mc is from a more advanced civilization, that would be a refreshing thing to see in a furry vn ^w^

Lawful Good vs Chaotic Good

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

I really like the fact that Fraser and Skjold each have a manichean view and that they may have more in common than they think.
I'm curious to see how the plot develops.
Personally, I just hope the romance doesn't happen too quickly. It would be more realistic if the MC tried to find his place in this new world first, understand their different cultures, etc.

The bit where the MC stares at Fraser's backside as they are being chased bothered me a bit in this regard.
That said, this first version is promising for the future!

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when MC stared at Fraiser's ass, I was surprised there wasn't a full screen art of that scene. seemed like a good visual art fanservice moment, hopefully in a later build they add that o3o 


Music, delightfully atmospheric. Transitions, woah nice!  View panning (Background)! That is new!

Obeying authority is important, but doing it blindly is for a fool.  Were there a tangible reason or friendlier demeanor from the guards, I would be compelled to comply.  The appearance of the interloper only stands to further these distinctions that the situation is not right, the situation and words said can that quickly change the context of something.  So in this case it feels better to trust one who feels like they seek to aid.  In any case, SOMEONE is willing to step up and help and not just stand around and let something bad happen.  This right here is VERY IMPORTANT.  Many times there is a clear abuse in the midst of crowds of people, yet no one is willing to stand up to or against the abuse.  Still the struggle here is also a fighting retreat, no malice or more violence than needed to remove oneself from the situation.

Still though... unless the story is designed to allow it to interweave with choices made (semi-linear), I may just have to check out the other option at some point.  Clearly "human" isn't normal here! X3 and would like to be able to meet all the characters, because after al first impressions may be wrong, if and when we are given the proper context to understand the reasons for actions in an unfamiliar situations.  When something is unknown and no guidance is given, that is where rash actions may end being taken.

When there are groups at odds with each other, and there is no willingness by both to find some sort of common ground with which to unify them, there will the oppressors and the oppressed, but even then you can't guarantee which is which.  If individuals are not careful the situation could flip, resulting in a scenario that is no different, as now you still have a group oppressed.  Also need to be careful not to oppress those that may help you, lest they turn into an enemy, because you have given ample reason for them to distrust you.  Don't follow blindly, don't trust blindly, don't act blindly.  Even those you trust could be undermining you behind your back.  All of this is reasons why such groups have to result to threats towards their own members, but there still is a difference between it being done in the form of an oath and kinship, and that of tyranny and fear.

While there will always be differences amongst social and economic classes, the ability to respect others and be respected in turn, regardless of those positions, is important to maintaining an overall happiness.  If any side abuses or hoards its power too much it creates imbalances, but by using their surplus to occasionally help those less fortunate is to make them feel recognized, valued, and appreciated.  This in turn makes them want put more effort back into their work.  In order to maintain a good working machine maintenance and oiling must be done, lest they become rusty and grind to a halt or worse.  Life has cycle, life has rhythm, but disrupt it too much and it will create waves that stand to eventually echo and come crashing back down on you.  One must be aware of the consequences of actions they take, as well as responsibility for them.  This is why I agree to occasionally challenging the way things are, but how it is challenged matters just as much, lest a chain is formed of the ways the challengers conduct themselves get challenged.  This goes back to the paragraph prior.

In all cases there is always more sides to a story then meet he eye.  The issue gets clouded though the more times evidence shows more to a given side or thought.  Provide the proof, dispel the doubt, be the one to show and change minds that what they think is not always the case.  This is what I long for, information to make informed decisions and truth, rather than rashness because all we may have ever been exposed to is one side.

I can't help be passionate about all this because often we may not look deep enough into the messages being shown, even when its one we are already living through.


You may stop pretending to be inncocent happy-go-lucky fan Sarun. We know what you really are.


Negativity Piling, very rude!

(1 edit) (+2)(-6)

 magma's right ^^


This is short, but believe me, its good



Look at that! It's that time of the year that I get out of my hiding and actually review something!

Jokes aside, let's talk about Cleaved. Spoilers ahead, I guess.

I've seen some people talking about this being a good on the isekai trope, which is fair, not everyone likes isekai, I do but not the point, but it seems that this one is a good one and I, a random person on the internet that reads too much VNs, agrees.

Cleaved already had a good light for me by having Haps as the artist (Love his drawings and his character designs.) so when I saw that I really had to play it. And it was a pleasant surprise! The first build having at least a choice is a good sign for me, as I like having choices and different endings, which I assume this is going to have, and the two characters and the protagonist (not counting Calder because he appeared in the last 5 seconds) feels like real people.

I like the use of "new world language" which is lost in translation, because it's another place, VNs should use this more often.

For the first build... Is a bit short. Might be because I just got off Roads yet traveled and the first build of that thing was massive, but it wasn't bad. Short and sweet.

This is definitely going on my list of promising VNs, and I will keep a close look on the updates.



 skjold is my instant fav.

The exposition dumps are huge, and don't often feel organic. 
at the start, the MC instantly monologues their backstory on the way to the portal. once there, they name drop some friends' names for a bit while starting at the portal which is suppose to have urgency yet continues to reference them. these friends we haven't yet met prior at all to build off of either. I feel like a proper prologue is needed leading up to the portal going haywire.  Show the MC at the university with these friends stated earlier for a better set up.

Skjold, I like his mellow and respectful vibe but, he's a walking, talking lore double wide extra thick lore book. every other sentence is spoon feeding various info of the town, rival nations, some laws at the MC right away to someone he just met ever so casually. Explaining something is one thing from a naive question MC has being a fish out of water but dropping a near whole history lesson is another when on their way to his cell. I know he was getting a read for the MC reaction to it but it sure was a lot all at once. I love lore and history dumps, yet gradually over time via environment and yes dialogue, that warrant's a mention for the current situation. 

That wasn't a history lesson, that was an interrogation disguised as a conversation. 

Skjold was using his eyes, ears, and maybe even his nose as a lie-detector.

He was evaluating the MC's reactions to each and every single thing that was said. What is agreed with? What is disagreed with? How does the MC feel about this, that, and the other?

That is a skill which fully justifies putting someone in a leadership role, and he's apparently good enough at it to have been raised up the ranks relatively quickly. 

Now, I'm NOT saying that his friendliness was or wasn't genuine. That is something we will need to wait till farther into the story to find out.  I'm saying that Skjold was multi-tasking. Very good way to justify a lore dump, and it made the motive for it's delivery especially interesting. 

My following statement tells you i know this "I know he was getting a read for the MC reaction" But my point is, drowning them in lore etc right away is too much starting out. It feels better spreading out this kind of info gradually over time, not all up front right away.

This is very good.  I like the way events turned out when it came to the two choices you're given.  Also great artwork.

I liked the game I will wait for another build

 First of all, I want to apologize for my ignorant and hasty comment before, it wasn't right to make conclusions before playing Cleaved based purely on VN's usage of isekai trope. 

 Cleaved surprised me, really, judging purely by page description I expected another uninteresting and boring, childish MC. Yes, the novel uses isekai trope, but in really good way, a MC with scientific (in technical fields) background sounds pretty intriguing. Even though I still don't like the whole "evil voices in your head" cliche, I can imagine various ways to use it good. 

 I've chosen Frasier path and a possible political conflict intrigues me too. I liked the fox, he has good looks (thanks haps), pleasant character and, all in all, is the best boy. 

 In the end I'd like ro apologize again for my rude comment, I'm definitely going to follow Cleaved updates and hope it'll turn a better game than other novels with similar tropes!

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 I didn't pay the quick warm up much mind, besides I've only followed the path when you run with the fox.  For me, personally, mysterious watcher is an issue, as I've said, I hope writer has an adequate explanation for it.


To be fair you werenโ€™t really wrong about the majority of your assumptions 


 People who's read it already, how's the whole MC situation? Another isekai, another amnesia, another puny human in a world of big wolves... Probably another voice in the head... Correct me, in case I'm judging it too harshly. How bad/good it's now? What are the chances of MC turning into a simp in the future updates?

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Sometimes it's really exhausting. That's why I'm asking in comms instead of playing: to avoid wasting time on "FBTW 2.0" or "Adastra 3.0". 

You could wait for Blaidd Llwyd to do a playthrough narration of it on YouTube.

It's absolutely nothing like Adastra, that's for sure. Adastra annoyed me to no end with its billions of choices that don't matter at all and then suddenly one choice makes all the difference but only twenty pages later.

(3 edits) (+2)

I hope it's Adastra 3.0 because that would mean the game actually finishes development. And because I love all the tropes you listed.


idk about MC coming a simp (currently Build 1) but the rest of your assumptions are pretty spot on. Especially mild amnesia, and yes definitely a mysterious voice lol. 


I'm loving the first build. The MC is for once actually intelligent, he's almost as good as Rhicter from Lyre which I'm not saying is a bad thing, if he uses is knowledge as a scientist in this world then I'll be satisfied, thou the Pole in the Main Square is making me think magic is integrated in this world, so it'll takes Brynn some time to understand how his world works. The cast so far seem to warm up to Brynn a little too quickly. Calder at the end, wish I could have seen more of him.

Thou this Ominous Voice...not sure what to think of him as yet, I only hope they can live up to the story and please as much as I like it being only males in these furry VN's a few prominent females would be great.

Can't wait for more. See yah.

I like how this started. The MC is a promising person (with a personality (which is shocking for a human in a furrysekai)). My only complaint is the *ominous voices* because feels like they'll be a huge letdown for some reason.


Calder's titties man


Lol, I saw the art the character who's name seems to be Frasier and I immediately  thought of Neferu from Adastra, so amazing to see Hops on another VN!


Me: Oh, Fraiser is definitely going to get loved up.

*Calder, exists*

Me: Oh.... Oh my god


Brynn may not be good as Lyre's Richter but at least his confusion and fear is understandable and he take some action instead of being a total clumsy idiot who's constantly stare off into space as seen time and again in human MCs. It would be a plus if he can utilize his knowledge from his field of science to help to survive the world he's now in.

Fraiser is my favorite and he deserves much as Calder

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Take a shot every time Fraiser winks


the entire comment section absolutely wasted now.....


This is literally so good, the art style, the character designs, the writing, and im really excited for the next build!


I love this so far!

I love that the protagonist is not some idiot who only observes what's happening and is not a total clumsy mess that makes ridiculous mistakes just for plot points. It's great how he can take initiative without the need of others pursuing him to.

Absolutely love the word choices and really appreciate that the line of thought doesn't get disrupted.

Seeing familiar faces in the team put a smile to my face. Absolutely love the background arts and the sprite work!

All of you did amazing work and congratulations on the first build!

what is the species of the protagonist?

The MCi s human

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Havent tried it out yet and it looks interesting.

I'm ready to fall in love and get my heart broken by a beastman with a complicated life "^^_ bring it on!

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So excited about how things will turn on. I wonder, Can we pick a route from each main character?

From what the team said on Discord, Calder is the main interest but the other two are just eye candy depending on your decisions

Haven't yet got to the game itsled but seeing so many familiar faces in credits was absolutely mindblowing

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I like Frasier, he is a nice change of pace from all the big buff love interests (he is still hot of course) 

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finally the song being used right


This looks really promising. The protagonist is not a bad written mess, and actually has a personality, I just wish we could learn a little bit more about him, but since that's just the first build I know we can't expect much. The other characters are mostly likable, even tho we didn't get that much about their motivations and etc. Also I can now confirm Skjold is indeed friend shaped, very important information!

Definitely gonna be following this project. Can't wait for the next update.


Excited to read this tonight! Good job with the webpage design, Azid! ๐Ÿ’–

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